Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~tmefits of~o"ll'ledge. 139 How earnefil y doe blind men ddire to fee the light I !o doe the Saints, feeing what aweake glimmering and fight they have J 1n Divine things. They know the Sunne in the heavens is not io necetfary to enlighten the · world, as is the Sonne of grace and rightem1fndfe to entighten the Chard~. And as withotu the Sunne there would be a perpet~lall night, fo wit~ out God and the faving knowledge of hitn, there were an eternall night in everlafHng darknefle. 4 4. They earne!Hy defire fa- Ben;fits of ving knowled1ge, ~ecau!e they ' knowledg fee the profit and htgh excellen- wnhin us• .cy of it,both within themfelves, and without them. Firfi, within themfelves,they fee Gods Image rtnewed in them 6y ~D'1Pledge, and tl'lem- Col.3~1o felves framed to his likeneffe, who is light, and in whom is no darknetfe. Alf0 they fee themfelves .br~ught intg better frame by