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~40 B en~ftu of ~ow!edgc. And with; out us. '. by it daily, ~nd ciJanled into it ~elfe fr~m glory to glor; : with· out which they oould nev,er ~ttaineany right mntion in their wils,o.r alferftions, nor any right manner or end of doing any thing, nor any happy fruit o·f their endevours~. but tho lefle 0f all their labour, time,.hope,. and~ reward. Secondly,without them;theyfee the worth and excellencyof this knowledg~ above all otherthings in the world,and that no-. . tbingelfe can make them ·. truly, happy: PrDV, 3. I 3, JJ!cffed u the mltn tbat fi-r;deth 1t~s[dom·e, . andth~tgettetb undcr.ftanding•. · But how can Sal()mon prove this? · By two reafons : The former · in the 14. verfe, by comparing this wifdorne ofGod with filver 1and geld which are fi)dcfirable: . bttt the JP~ine of this is better. Oh but fome things out-weigh tilver an&gold, and·arein much. · more