Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Benefits ef~ewietlgc. .,_41 more reqttdt, as Diamonds,Rnbies, and Pearles : Trne; yet tl1eie are but the foining duJI of the earth : bnt'wiidGme (faith :he) is ·hetter th~n all pearles, be their price never fo greftt. · Ohieli . But fome things a .man may defit.e above all thefe, as life,liberty,health;honor,&c. An} Illl verfe ·I 5--- ..11./l ·things thoft tutnfl deft re, , are ' tJO-t ·'t~ be-e C()tn[Mred·to '!47ifdo;n-c . Tl,e·fe·c<md reafoft is from the ! c'lf~&s: fuew;ins whatwifdot.l;le l befl:owes ana brings with her: I. Riches in her left hand : -a. length ofdayes in her ri~ht: 3. Honour, aclv-~nce.ment, and profperity : 4· life, the tlr:,e~- -- tetl ofall : Shee u ~e tree.of life to :tfum th11t lay hold Dn her• . And fo he con duds as he-began, {' Oh b!c[f_ed .u htc t h~tt retllineth htr. 1 V'le1eenow whatreafan the · godly havt·, and on what ju!l 1 grou.nds they .m oft eagerly k-: , fire1