Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Yfo r. Incitlltion t<> get h~~u venly knowledg. MltiVtl, I -------------------- lire with 1)avid to be taught in the way ofGods £brutes. _ The V le is threerold ; I. Ofittciution. 2 ·. Of rerrehenfion. 3. Of examinatinn. I. It ferves to incite us to this . holy and earnell: defire after the word of God, without w-hich no man ea" have any camf0rt of I aey fowRd grace. .- For firfl:, ~s light was the firll: thing in-the Creation,fo. the fir!l: \vord of this feGond Creatioo,is, Fiat lux, let there be the light of heavenly kaowledge ~ and as the word o(God let light mto all his worke, which before :was a confw.fed Chaos, and all i thine:s rolled up in blackc darke· 1 neft~; ft> till this word of God let light into the {oule, the whole man lyes in a con~.1fion of \ blackc darkndfe, without any I llg~t ef direCl:ion or co_n!o.tiYon kno\V, no babe is borne · - ~on. __ , ~' I . alive