Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

aliveifito the world, but it cryes for the milke and breaf\: ; and if it doe n0t, iu is Gill-borne. Se the new-borne babe in grace, cryes after the fin cere milk! Df the Word, 1 Pet .l. z. and without this, thou .art not bom~ of G9d. Nor the friesd ofChrift, no acql1aintance or kindred . of his, na Chriftian bat in name, 443 Nnletfe with an hungring heart ll.hrK•J ~3f tholt heare theWord 11nd k,tepe it. And,an ignoraat heart is nof on- . ly a gracetetle heart, but defii- ' tute ofdefire (!)f grace: it cannet ' (askegrace, /1h.4. JO. /saJj/tholl ! k.tJolPne, thiN WQN/de.ft h~eve ~tfk!d. Secondly, confider the comelinefie and ieemelineffcot !ound knowledge in hlim that profeffethhirnfelfe to he the Lords: Prev , 4. 9· S~tlomon calls it J comely ornament and grace f~ r the head, ll fild a chuine fi r the neck!; ye~, and a crowne of g l fb · ry. And what elfe makes amans . r &ce . /