Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

------ --~------- face to thine, but \vifdome? wh(lr.ea~, what an unfeemely thing is ·ignenmce of Cods fl:atutesto a, man, either as a 111a11, or as a Chrifl-ian.? · 1 J .. .As a man ·: God ·having , giv(!tt a man a minde and rea!o'"- ' nable ·foule, bfyond a be aft, whereby he ootl.l enabled l>lim to conceive ofMeavcn and heavenf ·ly things, and hath ~levat_ed him .with a particle of Divine na- , -ture for this very end J that hee .fhould rife .above the beafis in brgh contemplations of Divine ·things) and in the knowledge and obedien~e ofthe minde and \vill of his Creator : how un- .feemely is it, that: that Divine \minde fhould bee ~akcn up with -bafe, trarditory, and finfull ' things ? that aman fbould thus degenerate, and fall backe to a brutifh condit ion, forgetting he batH' a reafonaL1le foule, which -lJ1t11id rates in himielfe, whofe igno rance ':'t inconftderatcne~e m