Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

found /e...nowledge. in one point ofGods providence and adminiftration, makes him as tt /leafllufore Ged. 2-. As a Chri(\ian man, yet much rpore anfeeBlely : for a Chrifl:i~n profeffeth himielfe to be a Citizen of heaven, heaven to be his Countrey, God t~ be his Ki~g, his Word and Statutes to be his €harter : -How is it not abfurd and unfeemly, that a man fuould BC igHotant of the fafui~ ons, lawes, and cu{h~mes of his owne Countrey ? A Chriff:ian profe~~th himfelfe a childe of his heavenly father, and·his fathers HGUfe·to be his houfe ; and is 'it not unfeemel y aman iboula neither know his father, nor his fathers. name, nor pleafure, nGr how to demeane:himfelfe in ·his fathers noufe ? A Chriflian profeffeth heaven t,o bee his· home ·~an~ itd~eritance, and the Word the deeds of that Inheritance, withoutwb_ich he hithnot title to one feot tn heaven : ·how un- . _; . X feetnl y Efpecially as aChri· !ban man.