Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 lnowledg delightfuJJ to ~ans .underflandiJlg. feemely a.Rd unrc:afanable were it for him to can away the deeds . · ef his land, to lbreake off the feales, to bee \vilfnlly ignorant ofthe clanfes that cenvav 1uch an dl:ate unto him and his? So of the ie~ond Motive. Thirdly, confider the delight and pleafure iD the Statutes <>f God, which are full of f\veet raviillmcnts to fwch as attaine them, and fhould quicken us to the tafte and feeding en them. In other things we fee what painei men will take tG compalfe their pleafYre. Now u ignorance i~ mort ancomff.lrtable, £tly therefore c&mpared to . d~r~tf]e, to blindneKe, to falling into a ptt, and to lyi~gin a black e and fiinking dungeon: So knowledge andwifdome,whicb is ·ct,>mpared te litbt, and the 6right fhininc,~ ~ftbeSMHHt,Pro'1J. 4.is meA dclighthd to the foule, as the light to the eye : · 1. In it felfe: beca~fe kn~w· ledge 1