Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ledge ~s the proper worke of underll:anding, and the l'lighefi part ofman : and as a tnan nattuall y delighteth in the knenvledge of naturall thimgs, fo an enlightned minde in the knowledge ofDivine and fpir.ituall. 2 I And efpeciall y in refpe~ of the ObjeCt, which is fpfrittt- . all things : This made Salolnon fay PrDv.3.17.) all thewayes of wifdom.e are waye1 "f. p!e~~tfure I Fur what man, unleffe he have an infinite ditl:emper in his foule, would not be ravifhed to kRow in fome . meafllre thole infinite perfettions of our heavenly Father, whereto we are commanded to £hive? yea, to fee in fome fort the uniearchable depths of Gods wifedome aRd knowledge l and to apprehend in fome; 1eafure the bottomleffe myfiery of · mans re.. I demption ud tijvation ? Was it not an admirable delight, when()l{ojtJitoodupon the top _ . . X l "f 447 Specially for the excellent obiccb;