Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

44~ W~ ofGeJ excellent, how . ofmemnt Nebo, a~d viewed all that land of Promife ? yet M(}. e-J mufl: fee it, not cm joy it : fee it.a farre off,butnot come neare it.: ·he muLl: dye there, and g0e ne further. But f<tr a man to - fiand here on 11ount Sion, the Churcl-1 of God, an-d vie\v all the pr()miied Canaam, that heavenly Icrufalem, with all her . t~wers, and enjoy them, together with all the-pleafi1res at the right hand e>f God ; can the 1 knowledge of any thing bee fo 1 delightful to an heavenly mind? I The ta!le of the Word in this one partic~dar,maketh itexc-eed the fweetneffe of the honey and · the ho~~tey-com/,e ,if a D11vid tafie i~. This 0f the tl1ird Motive. Fourthly, confider the way 4• wherein w·eare to walke : the 1 . Excelle~t w~ty of Gods Statutes : the,pro- . propentcs . h- f J.~ h of Gods I pert1es \~ e~~o are AtC ,as may · --way. ftllttre us Into 1t : fer, · 1 · 1. It·is the oltl -way; which ' · · · wee - .