Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

WIIJ ofG~d ex~ellewt;how. wee muft.cnquire.ef, Jer.6.t6. beaten by the feet of ancient Beleevers, and Patriarkes ; all the Prophets, an_d Apofrles, and · all holy .men, yea ofiefus Cbrifl: l1imfelf0; and therefore is the way whe.rein we lhall want no good guides nor Cotnpany. 2, Everyoneinhis journey woulcl enquire and: choofe the righteft way : but the -wtflyes of the Lord are right, and the iufl walk.[in the~, Hef. 14·9· Elymal ceafed ~ot to pervtrt the right wayeJof6oul, !Al1.13. I o. All other wayes are crofFk.§c_l . p~tths, and by-la~es, Pfnl. 12 5· 1 5· 3. This ig the lightefl and moft com{ortahle way: -Pfolm. 19 .8. the fl:atutes eftheLord are right, reioycing the heart. In this way is peace of confcience, joy 0f the holy Ghofl,com~t ofheart in life and death : and'this joy fhallnone take away~ Ne> marveil when E ~ek.J.el ate this little "'- X ~ booke ~L .1 2 . 3