Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

s WitJ Df(Yod tX&I/lent,b~,., . bcoke, that it wasf-wect .tU h19ney in IJiJ m&uth,ehap.j . 3. ~ene .Eii~alnth, o'fl:>le{ed memory, laying the Bible t0 her heart,faid It wa-s her cQwfort in her tr~u61e, itnd therefore jh(}Hid lue in her R Nle her rule. :But the way Gf · thewickedis dark.;neffe, Prov. 4 I 9. they know Jlot where· they fhall erre and fall. 4.This is thcclumefl »MJ:lSam . 22.3 I tht'1P11Jel of God 11re unl:errupt 11ndp11rt: Efa.Js 8_' TJ:/e 7Pa_y foa!l be ctt!!ed holy, llnd the poNNted p4ffe not /Jy it : Dent. 4· 8. WhAt nAtion h11tb forighteotiJ IA"'PtJ? what pafenger.f have fo Jaire a way ? Silver tryed fovtn times is not {o pare a3 thefe .fratute,, Pfol. I 9. 9. who would pr~ferre the myrie and dirty wayes of finfull pleafttres before it? ~. This is of all other the f afeft waJ, freefl: .from robbers and thceves, in which thou artun- .der th~_Lords protetli~n, being the