Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

1 f1~ty ofGod exce/lent)how. 1 ·---- the Ktngs high-\vay; yea,wher- \ in thou haft aguard ofG9ds Angels to kcepq the~ fafe to the waycs end : Pfal. 9 ~- 1 o, 1 I. they are eh~trgcd with thy fafety. . ' 6. It is the fooruft and moll: compe.rtdions way, leading to life ; and in keeping t11is way fuall be great reward. All <Jther · are by-vvayer, that lead to the ,gates of deatl.!· Now let the wifdome of God rule us t0 ehoei_e this oldefl, righteft, lightell, cleandl:,fafeft, and fuortelt way, as ever wee defire to come to an happy end ofour way. This is the Vfe of incit4tion. 6. Now followes the fecond, of P {t 2. reprehtnjign. · R:: prehea• And firft of Recti!ant Papifrs, Gon of , who wilfully refufe the know- them that · f ddire not . ledge o Gpd, fcorne and cgn- . knowledt; temne the Preachers and ex- in the pounders of th<!lfe fl:atut::es; .yea, meanes. i hate them to the death,and iliun l X 4 ' . . aU -