Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

45' z r A gllinjJ them thAt all tn~ meanes ofskil and infiruClion in thof~ Statutes. Can-they l ' be g"od ftibjetl-s, that will net . l<now their Princes lawes, that I hurne the Statnte-bcokes, alld their exponnders too ? yet faeh good fubjeels are thefe ta God .~ ·who have chofe the curfe that Gen:l.14~ 1 C aitJ bewayled,_namely that ~e ~ · vvas caft from.the fAce f)f Godm his fathers houie: they willingly excommunic;ate themfelves. . And adde unto thefe our ·nmngnll Ch1uch-papifrs,w hQ femetime flip into the Church for odde refpech : Recufaneie prQves difgracefull, or charg~able, and w·ould put them to xnore cofi then their Religton is worth, They can lleare the · Word,wheR artd ofwhC"m they litr, or m.ull: : bnt\to heare Popery refitted or difgraced,is,to call .. , dufl: in their eies. They can heare a Sertnon, but deteCt and raile upon the Preacher. Very de- .vout they feeme,and fcrupnlous ' ln ~i~fJ:J,,~----~~----------------