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dejire not lz.no-wledg8. . 41'3 in the leaftcerem.ony, but like thofe de"Jout women who floned Paul. To both thefe olilr Lord faith, Ifye were ~fGod,ye _would he are Ioh 8·47 hi.svoycc. Weretheir Religion of God, they would love ·his l fl:atutes above their daily food: and love th~. bringers, f0 as to acceunt their very feet 6umtifull. Did theylov·e Chrift, they .. would not hate his Difciple: . neither col!lld th_eTempleofDagon and theArke fl:and together in the Tempte of the heart. Heare the counfell,to be a$ thou . · .feemeft, or feeme as thou art : aiTuredlyGod will have nu part ofa divided perfon. Secondly, they are farrefrom: ~ the CCDmforr <?f a good e!tate, \JVhQ will not be brought out of .their dores, · their fueps, their Counting-hot'lfes, .to learne the way of Gods ilat&ttes,bttt living . in places of knowledge, fuffeF , ignorance to · reigne in their · · X .; hearts •.·.