Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

}' I 1'. r ~ ~ .Agt~-infl them tbat '1 --- beam H~~ farre are they from I. . D avJd1 minde and defire ? his heart 6r~tk! within him for the .dcfire of Gods judgements,P[A. 1 J9· z o. he efl:eemed the place ofG·ods worfhip,Bethe/,~he veoa ry houfe of God, and the gate of heaven: hee ac~f>Unted them , p/efed , that--miglitdweHin or ..neare thehou{c ofGod,.Pfo.84·:.. :·BLtt to farre are milMY from di~ . -~cerning this anhappineife, that i P:rov.J ·'1· . ~ '· they cfteema every ~ermon (as. the old prophecies) the hurden . oft he t1)rd : a firaw~matter can · j I il(l rt.:lli.J:El! i,'l!' ;l . W:IM,Ji,~ !l 'llilt .l ; keepe taem from Churcm : .and they are ofthe munber of SalomDps fooles, thatft~rn4 wifd,,.~ : .And inftrN8ic.n. · ·: They will alleag.e t)teir hearts. · are good eJl~Ngh,and their meaning :is good tht>ttg1T their skill ._ be 1mall; and>. God wil]_ ac~ep~.· · tbejr good mean if) ge . · . ··= But 1 • that is hUe : ·. no mea.. · 1njng is gecd~d,hDBt k,ztow/cdg, :_ . Prov.~I9•"! W.i~hoN.tl<!ow/cdgt · . thP,: .