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defre ,,t ~Dwlt.tlg~. 45 5 .the min~ not gDod. 2. Meane what thfiu ~vilt, if thou hearefl: not Gods \vord thou art n,t tJf God, loh .8.4,7. '. W·hat a deceit of h~_art is . it, . that ea a . !hrowd all unde(good meaning, . while it meanes never to bee gqod ? or thinke that God will accept an .ig110rant and unregenerate heart fur a good heart? - 4. Examine this geec Iieax:t of thine by that w1tich 'iffueth . thence : . fie if there C(}IJlC not · . out of it, adulteries, oaths, blaf- . phemies, lyes, rotten fpeeches, injuftice, contempt of Gods I Ordinances and f~rvaNts:And is this good? Others love God above all, . O/;i,.[f:. and their n~i~hbour as them--: ielves : whatneeds m0re? But nothing is more bold than A~J(o blindneffe. N~gleCl: the meanes of knowledge, thou neither loveft God,nor thy neighbour, nor · thy felfe. Not Gocl. ; for if yu lo.1Jt:d me, faitkChrift, ye ';l'O~tld /z~opc - ~ 1