Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Excufes refuted. k..!epe my Commandemcnts. Not thy neighbour: if not him that hcgate, no-r him that ii 6egot. Not thy felfe .: bee that hates wjfdome, hatc.s hu orvnc [FJult, Prb'lJ. s. 3 6. and, _c.hap.4· I~ ,foce it..thJ ,/ifo. If thou lovedft: .thy ioule, . thou woaldeCl: heare arid hide the W erd in it, and not hide thy felfe from the Word. Others will pray, :and let others preach : they will be de- . . vout, let others runnc to Ser- . mons : they_will be lltiive Chri., n1ans,white others are p-t~ffive. I But I . this is from the fuolery o.ffomePreachers, who fev~r what God hath joyned, and fet , two [Q n~are friends, and twins q( the fame womae, . by the cares. 2 -j Can{t thou--. pray without t~aching and hearing ? -Confi-. der; wilt thoa pray to an un... knpwne God, or a God whom thaw .wilt not know ?; Canft . ~hou eaU on him, 9n whom thou 6eleevej} 1