Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

E xcufosrefuted. beleeveft .not?·or beleeve w}th- Rom.to.l+ _ out hearzng? or can a rtght prayer ~e fevered from much - knowledge, both of d1ine o-wne wants and nnwerthineffe, of Gods mercy,power, and will to fNtJply, of the meanes of meriting that fupply, whi<:h is by Iefus Chrift: made thine owne,and · how to expect pati~ntly, ana be delayed or ·denyed thankefully,· , ·or elfeChriflianly t0 ufe mercies received, to the glory of the giver, and good_ef ·the receiver ?. , Come haltily, without ·an this knowledge, and ctfer the {~tcrifit:e offooles,ecclef5. I. 3. Can God heare thee pray- - ing, whorejecteft his Word ?,' Prov. 2 8. 9· Hee th'i!.t tHrneth ·away hu eare from h~aring the Law,even hu pr-~tyer is II!Jomina- , !Jie. Bdides, prayer is afeeking . ofGod: and canll: thou find him whom thou feekefi:, while th0u.. runneft from him wl'lo feekethl ··thee? ·