Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

4·s s.; Excnfol rtfHted. Bttt·we have calling~ to follow, .· and families te .mlintaine, and : · annotfpare an heure in aweek- - day to heare a Sermon. , I !ay as S~tlo'!N4n,Ecc/ef. 7 ,20•, it is good to IAJ' -· hold upon this, . but wit!ltb"~w not th] hand frOin -' ·that: werldly butineffe mnfl be followed, but never fa a~ to be . worldling,;; and this is,when the whQle ti1:ne is ingroffed, to pro-., phane or worldly ttfes, and nune, fet apart fCJr bel y, or the one thing neceffary. , · .Againe,to feed the body,men ~ can allot two houres in a day ,but . n~t one in a :weeke to feed the fettle: as ifbread that perifoeth, , w re to bee preferred . befvre at wsich tndureth to eternr:~/1 ,. /if,, or-the !oale were to be Ieffc reg~rded thaB the b~d y. And · can the le men fpend J fonr:e, five, or moe howres at: . cards, aice,bG>w les,vaine Enter- ,, ; lrtdes, t~ t!,e deftrutlien C!>f muck · _, tiGle with thern!elves, ~ and n0t ape