Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

l [."(cu(e.r refutrd. one howre in aweeke for their l inftructiG>n? Can feme of them" · watch whole nights and dayes at Satans fuit, and'' the fervice .of ftnne,~nd not pe>ffihly watch one howre with Clirit\: in th<? day, yea in·many dayes?~Cannot they I fi.t up one halfe howre later, or 1 rtfe Gtle halfe hewre f@oner, to 1 ( Ircdeeme ene howre for their e-.. vedaft:ing go0d ? or will they~;' fi·nd it profitable to winne the whole worla w1th ._ the lo!fe of · their foules? , · . latHy, how have we heard ~ net a. few fuch carelelfe men · rate themfelve~ on their death-. beds ; :with horrible terrors in. . 1 their con.tciences, th~tfo wret":' · ((lbedly they fiopt their eares at fo many eaUs of God, .and neg- . I I~ct.ed the hearing of fo many. ~rmons, ancl toe-late wilil,~hatthey might heare but one Sern}on mor.e ? ·· and r now all their.. hunger and · thirl! after the W4l»dd, :. ··ene.If ~ e~htrg~th theit: hp.J:ts.· 4)9