Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

2xcH(e.r refuted. hearts forrow, and can no way eafeit. Others fay they ~r~ not book-learned, and cannotattain this knowledge. But tbqu oughtefi to· be hGlOklearned : God hath given. thee both a booke and Teachers,and wifdome is cajie to him that willunder(tand; and !he invites thee into her Schoole, calling th~ftmplc to be wife in heart, Pro.'~. f. anQ pronounceth thofe 6/eJ[ed, tbnt watch d~ti!y at hec gatc.r,verf. 3+ 1 But I am fo crotfed in-the Minitl:ery, tha~ I car.mot endure it, ·nor wlll heare fuch and fuch. Know ; I. All the frowardneil'e.is, in thy felfe, there is nrJ frowardncf{e in tbe W11rd, Prov. 8.&. 2. Cr~ae thyJinne, . and the Word will not croffe thee: but ifthou wilt rather cro£fe the Word.than thy finne, thank thy felfe, GGd and.his Word will meet with thee : a& in Aha!n c~(e" · · , ·Now.