Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Hinar~tnees of [aving k.._n,~leag6. Now we come to the ufe ofExamination,whctherG()d bath tat\ght us in his way,or no. The notes of tryall are three. ~ Fir~, a continuall fl:rife to remove all the hinderers of favi~g knowledge; for light e-ver figh· teth againfl: darkneffe. And the lets to be removed, are, I• Originall corrLlption : a chiefepart-of whi~h is darknefle of underfl:andint. Labour in mGrtifying naturall corruptioJl~ which as a blackecloudhinders - the lhine of this Sunne. ~. HardReffeofheart: H'"· ~.I o. The1 erred in heart, anhAvt not ft11o"11'nt mJ )Vd}tt: 'and . verf.tl. Takg heed tJf ~tn eviH· ~tnJ Nn.!Je/ee'tJing ht~trt to dtpart from the li'!ling 6od. The light oftheSunne may thine on the outfide ofa fl:~ne,btu cannot get within ir,'vhile anbroken. ·3. Satanicall temptatio~:the god of tke world blindcth Infi-_ dels,that ·th·e l~ght ofgrttcc fhould not TP3~ Notes of· divine and faving knowlcdg~ I Bnemies of it; fix.