Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

4'2 H;ntlr4nce 11f- .. ,,,./bine •p~n tbtm: whom.we llntA: therefore refill:, fiedfan ia &he faith. NQ marvell if S~tan · can blind the \vicked, feeing he '· can raife a deud of dt.~fi: to trouble the fi~ht o(the godly themfelves, ana let them fee every thing in a f.tlfe gla(e ; all to hide · the ligli.t of Gols coanteuan~€ trcm·them. . 4. Ach1all t;nnes : tite-r,ature ef,all which is, to increa(~ ignor-ance,. and slind the minde yet fllrther. Ofthe!e, fome k!epe qut knowledge, fome Jrive it 111t. Of the former fort are.covetoufnea"e (refembled by cho- . kf.ng thornes, LH~.8 . and E~~lv. 33. 3!. they heare, bu.t: jetl:, for ~heir he11rt1 goe ll{ttr ~9'1JttoHfn·c./Je :) and wrath, envy, hypo.. crilie, with the like, which mt~Cl: be laiilljide,"rthere is ne growing by the Word, I Pn . 2· I , _.2. Of the latter fort are the femle !innes of flefh, as wh€>redome, drunkeJutetfe , intemperaJ~tcy, whic.h ., .