Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

· [Avin,g Kno.,/edge. i63 . w hicb bctfot men, and _diminilh even naturall knewledge : fee Ho[.4.1 I. ~. The pleafure offinne ! as . Eve in tempting, and .Aa~tm in attempting the finne, the very fight an« beauty ef the Apple dazelled the cleare knowledge . of innoaency... And as t~1e fiAne of the Sodc:m1ites 1mote them with blindneffe 'of body, that they e9tdd not finde tne deore : ~ it mwch more the foule of the finner,thathe cannot find Chrifl; whe is the doore of life. 6. Cuftome of linRe : the pleafnre of which bath beget an habit: this keeps and holds , under the dominion ef t9e Prinee of darkneffe ; and the Lord will not pttt his precioll'S liqaor into !o nalty vetfels, bat gives them ap ordinarily to rtprDhate fenfe, ?V!_m. J. '28. Now as natare teacheth us to fight for all thele, . fo grace leadeth us into the field againA: them: