Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

2 Difpotiti· ontofa;~ vingknow. ledge,in 4 things~ · - Dif}ojition to them : tor, till they be in part fubdued, there is no poffibtlity offaving kaowledge, no more then of Sun-thine at · m1dnight. This is the firfi: tryall. The fecond is this : As all that indifpofiticm mutl: be removed, fo there m\lll: be a difpofiti"n wr~ught in the party, wh~mGod teacheth-in his way; which where it is, the. L6rd kath ~gnnne to teach that man. ' . ~ep. Wherei~ fiands die dtfpo.fitt~n to , favtng :Kmowledge? eAnf. 1 • In humility.: .God teaebeth the hHm,.fe in his way~ and he that mufr receive the Kingdome, muCk be IU a little child• .E{a.28.9. whom /hall I. teach, or make to underRand ? n&t conceited perfoHs, who make Divinity onely a 1natter ofdifcourfe, or ft.ll their braines and fpeech ,vith vaine qadli:- ons and idle fpeculatiqns,.. or fuch