Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

- foving KrJCwlcdgf, ~6J fttch as come to fit as Iu'dges, or Critickes, on tbeir Minifters gifts; btit {11ch AI 111rc wcaneJ from the milk!, ~r dra-wiu (rDm the 6rea.fls. It was a proud and prophane fpeech of Hcrmo!Am I B arbanu, and Angclm PolitiAnm, that by r~admg the Bible 1 they forgat Latin. ~. A foftand tender heart. A fure fig ne that. God hath fpokento it. For none can reach the heart, to change it, but oaely th~t Doctoc whofe chaire is in heaven. He onely can ~rite in the Ta~les of the heArt. }er. 31.33· 3. A croffingofhumane wifdom~ : which natttre teacheth not. Selfe-deniall is a nete cf a Diftiple. _,For, wbo can frame ~at.i~.t-i-. the affeCtions, to hold ailcl fallen onfuch a dofuine as·croffe~h nature, m?rtifieth luGs, de-. priveth oraearepleafure,, and :hveet profi ts,wbichare~s neare as 'right hat~ds and eyes ? ean the · \Vorld- .