Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

worldling, who dleemes his profits bef"re his profeffion,and theref<i>re turnes a deafe ea re to fuch voyce$ ? no .: onely he that made the affed:i0ns at tirfr, caH thus re~cw them,& change tRCRJ at hi(pleafure. 4. An embracing ofall truths, one as wdl as another, becaufe all are from the fame fountaine:" and a confl:ant cleaving to all · truth, · in J~dgement and pracHfe,then,when reaion,cufi:om, pradice,fenfe and common ()pinion croffe ana contradiCt: . it : Now who Gan teach .,i{J~mt in " "'Yflerrt, but God al0ne? J Cor.z.1. that aVirgin {hould beare a Sonne : tha1 a Sonne thould be eternally begotten: · that all things thould bee made of nothing : ,th,at life dyed u.pon tn~ CrcMfe, and · fe'· dled life or£1:.of de~~h : that ht:aven mufl: be had o11t ofhell,and death f wallowed up by death, aad the tame body arife againe. ~ · - Who