Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Who can give (imple and that- - lowwits capacity,to reac_~ thefe high myfieries w hicb Fejlm accountetb madncefe, and !ewes thinke the Ap~fl:les otat cf their wits to utter them, and the great wits oftpe \Vflrld accoatlt foolilhnefi e and fables? Is it not bee th~ choofeth weake things to- ~rifound the mighty? Nay, wh~is it that cam perfwade . thefe high and fl:raRgc things with fuch certainty, as the £imple Beleever dares,and doth dye in defence of them? Surely(as ChrifJ: faid to Peter) F/efh Awd Verr.J_f• {,loud re-.,ellles it 11et, lntt the Father that is in heaven. 'f.his is the fecond figne G'Jf laving kntlw ledge. ' The tllird is a confeionable and 3 fr11itftdl foliewing of the means ofknowleage : as I. An hnmblc · fittin~ downe With ma11y at the feet of Chrii. 2. BindiJag the w ora to our eyes, by freqltenr, ceRtlant, and orderly r~ading. ( 3 ~ Whet•