Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

~6 8 Me{!nC<.t of1tnoJP ledge. ; . \\'betting .it on tl:te h~art,by de~po meditation, fo to make itt ourown'e•. 4• Tying it to the hands a·nd lingers, by pratlifing it : If yee dt~e th~fe thing1, yee jfitlli ftno;w th~ <JJo!lrine : agood ·ttnderllanding have all they that dee thereafter. 5. Prayer, to be contimtally taught of God, .as in tbeText,and /a!IJ.I .)~Ask! f Wifdome()f G1d• 6. Teac~ing, tl:rengtl!ning, and comfortmg of I others : this returne increafeth thy Talent,as oylein the Cruife increafed by imparting. Atde hereunto a&uitfUU ufe ofthemeanes, profpering and . profiting daily in the Image of G<:>d, and conformity with God in truewifdome, holinetfe, and rightCGltfnefte : 2 Cor.,:. 1 8 .We /JebfJIJ ill Amirr8r-, and sre ·r:hll~ .gtd fromglorJ ttJ glor]. This is, to be taught by Chrift, as the ·trntla is in Chri~. To be led by God in the way of God, is, to get nQ;lrer ·Goel every ·day tJ,an other.