Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3 Vowes lawfult;what. of ~ God. Amaiae helpe of godlinefie is to relolve to be godly: and the beginning ofgoodReflc are good purpofes and refolwtiQns to be good: which if wee fincl,we .tnttfl:: cherith;and 1f they faile)renew them. 2. He vowetb, to move the lord after a f9rt, to grant his · deure, becaafe he defir€s it for a right end : if God wtli make him know his way, he will keep it : fo H~tnna moved for a fum~e, which if God vouchfafe to her, fhe will dedicate him to his fervice,and God heard her, 1 St~~fiJ. 1. whatfoever weaskeofGod, it will be an eafie fuit, if \1\TC refolve to referre it to his glory. 3. To bhew his thalilkfulneffe for the bleffiFlg received,as alfo Manna did.: which cannat bet- . tcr be exprefl"ed, th€n in an obedient ana holy courfe, which f is the tribt1te and returne the { Lord expecb:th for all his good- ( _ ~---___ nefl e