Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

YowCJ lawful!, wh.1t. neffe receiv-ed.And atluaU mercies call for act:uall thankfulnes. 1 The(.5 .I 7, l 8 Pr111y COfftinu- '-- all]: In~ell thingsgiv~thalfk$J. 4· To binde himfelfe more 4 firmely to duty and ferviee : w bich is not {wperHumu, though we betyeci :1lready, as Bel!~tr· 'De MsnA'• mine affirmes. For as it is con- l.l.• 1,. trary to Chrifiian liberty, needldl y to bind our felves where God h~th left us free ; fo in ·thiqgs cGmmanded and necef- . fary, dire~Iy and immediately conc~rning the worfhip ofGcd, we 1nay binde our fc Ives m~re fl:raightly. For firfl:, \ve are bo~nd by the Good law ofCreation to ferve God : and is therefore the vow and promife of Baptifme fatperfiu- ous. ous ~ Secondly, Iooke to the pr;t· Clice of the Saints. l~tcob was bound by Creation, and. by CircumciGon,and yet( Gen. 2 8. 2o.) he vowed a vow, that the Lcrd Y 2 foould