Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

V owes l"wfdR;what. 1 1 fo~u!d !?e hiJ Gorl. Dt4vid here, having made the Covenant in Circumcifion,renewes his uow: ·and Pfa.·I I 9.1 o6.1 h11vefw,rne ~tnd..,i!t performe: that a threefold cGrd might not eafify bee broken. Thirdly,in the defiance of eviJ, and firife again!l: the lufis in the metnbers, refifiing the law ·of :God, befides the generall bo.nd- of Baptifm e a Chri!Han may advifedly and profitablv lay en hit1tfelfe a particuJar vo\v as a remedy and helpe agaialt fome evill, or a fitrtherance to Come good : As for example :a man fubjetlto be druhke with wine or tl:rong dri11ke,may vow f{}\. a time to ab!l:aine from it, and fo cut oJfan hand or eye~ offending. One finding the lHrring uf concupifcence, may fvlernnly vow to refrain_e the company ' I and prefence ofwanton women and m:;k.; a covenAnt 'With l.u eye.r, as [ob, not to looke on them. -~-- ____ ___, _____