Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I r{)we.t law(ull;what. them. Or finding dulnefie , flackneffe, o~_ diftratl:ion3 hindel'ing pr'ayer ~ reading, or other dutie, he may vuw to beft0w fome time thereupon . For the latter. 1. In generall,DaviJvowes a lawfull thing. I 2 . In fpeciall, tG keepe t'k~ ~ way to the end. I In generall he vowc~ a thing commanded, . and acceptabl~ to Go4, a thing ·within the cornpalfe ofhis ealling, and not a.: gaina ChrifhaR liberty. Hee vowes notperpetuall fingte life: - for.itis 6ettrr -to marry, ,than to lntrne. N0r voluntary poverty : for the Commandement is, Let there /;e no hegger inl.frael,Oeu. If+4,. Nor t0 goeto Rome, or Compefrella, to worfhip an Image, againll: the Commandement.Nor to ~Hit tke holy land, or kifie the Popes feet ; in all 1 which the calling is laid afide, -. l for idle and impious dev.ices.- y 3 Nor · 473