Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

474 ( J7r;"'1'eslawfull;what. •. Nor to revenge an injury,vvhich is againfl: the Cotnmandement of charity. Nor impioufty not to eat or drinke till they have flaine 'Paul,Ail .2 3. I 2. Nor any fi1cb fin full thiNg : whereof the rule is geod, In cafe ofuncfedlJ or di/hvneft vow, ~Iter thy purpofe; And, fl vow muft never . 6e the 6ond of iniquity. 7Javid.r vow helpes forward Gods worfhip" and Gods \vay hinders not. 'ThL:Is frame thy vowes,and it will be'rotJ.tmendable. In fpeciall,n~ves to keep the way that God iliall t€acb him. Where are two things : , 1. How he will keepe, the w;.j: 2. How long, to the tnd~ For · the fOrmer: lhere is a twofold keeping of the way : Legall. ~vangelicall. The legail fiands iiJ perfect: l Godlsl wayd 1 fulfilling of the 1aw. But h0ly ega an · m 'd p ·n.. p evanodi· .vavt w:as no apll·l, nor ercall. b fectift: roe' knew bee could not thas