Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

thus keepe the Law, and mach ldfe attaine a further perfedion, which were to get beyond A dam in innocency. The other is E vangelic~t!l, which flands I. in an endcvobl.D and delire ofkeeping, and is rather in ttjfeClion than aClion : 2. with condition, io farre as humane frailty and the ftate of this hfe will permit ; in which all things are in part, and imper. fe<..'l: 3. ia imputa~ion of Chrifts perfect righteoufnefle, fo as the finner is reputed a perfed·kee• per : 4. in con donation of def~Cls and wants, feene and bewailed. Thus Dfividprofeffeth he will keepe the way: he will retaine a fiudy and endevour "to keepe it ;. and if by humane weaknet:fe he be· turned afide, he will be carefull to returne into the/way againe : and becauie all his endevonr and ftrength is nothing,,he will by faith fallen up<:>n that perfed: ()bedience of Y 4 the 475 The latter wher~ i n it ftandeth .