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the Meffiah, w hieh being im..:- puted unto him, aJl his wandrings lhall not be imputed, but he fiill inChriG: accounted a kee:"'' per of the way. But fgr the latter : ~how long will D~tvid keepe the way? eved tq tbe ~nd : elfe all labour is IoH: : the end crownes the W<Jrke. But is not this prefumption ? how can David promife this of bimfelfe? I. His vow is dependant oR grace, as all deliberate vowes are. _ 2. So farre as G~d gives firength, and confirmes his reft>- Iution and endevoa.r. 3. Still with prayer for grace, that he may keepe it, verf.1 o 6. I 07. fJIIick.!n me,&c. Now iliall D avid, in a duty abfolutelynecelfary to falvation, and ordinary to all Gods children, vow with condition1 1o farre as God gives grace : and · tha11