Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ifl)ned with' ~6edieuce. 1 fhaU abold Papifi: vow an arbitrary vow abfolutely, and without all condition, never ··conftllting· with his owxe imbecility? as fupp0fe that of perpetuall I chaflity, .whichis.neitheF abfoi lutely rieceffary, nor· an ordina- ! ry gift to all Chrifl:ians, nor pro- , 477 ' miiecl ;without condition from God. And yet prefumptueany will they pr~mife it to God without all eondition,~ or . limi~ tation. 'Doffr. The fcf>pe and refolution of every godly man in hearing the Word mufl be, .to ke€pe the way ofGod. In.which Jimilitade is implyed,. I . That · the whole life of a Chriftian is DirE!. End of. found knowlecig · is ob~di~ ence, a.very pilgrimage on eaPth : . z. , That the Chrifiian Pilgrim, now abfent from God, mull: be very choyce of his way, in which he rqutt c<?me backe againe unto God. ·3.. That feeing the Sunne is feene onely by .. ~ his:owne light,and ever.y man is Y·;s ail