Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

478:, - I .; - . J('naw!edge,ifrig_~t, ___ 1 as a blind rnan. in the things of ' Goui, withont. all dired:ioR in , himielfe, therefore every one mufi pray with the Prophet, that the eternall Su~ne would Llrike if it be b"t one heame ef thts faving light npon his heart; and by that, he will be directed to thewhele body; with holy re- . folution, that ifthe Lord pleafe to aftord him bbt~ afmall fl:reame Gnt (')fhis fu.Inetfe, he will foi~ l low that riveret until! it bring . him to the well-head. But why is this the fc0pe of a': godly tnaRin lea_rning- Gods fia- . tutes? I. Becaufe this is the cond-iti-. on-Gf Gods teaching, and his intenti_on in te.aching; 0eut 4__. 5 .6.. . Thefe are the Stt~tutes_ ; and CommandementJ, which r h:--zve taulht yuu : kfepe them, and doe t h etiJ, for this t;· your wifdome. And the Lord cheareflllllyteacheth him the way,who wi~h Dav}d refulveth t~ keep-e. it ~