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ioyned ' witl:/~l/cdie11CC• 4 7 9 it: Pfol. z s. 1 1. wh~tt iJ the man that fcar~th the Lord? him will bee teach the waj, that hee foal! choflft. 2. /Thek..n•wlt>dge· of a way 2· will bring none t® kts end and· defired place, but the '<!~pint of the way : whence the Lora en-- , joynes a narrow k~eping of the : narrow way: · Pro1.1. 7. 1. UWy i fonne, k!11pe my wordt, hide my Com'trl'Hlnd(mentJ, 6inde them ~n · 't;hJ fingers j that is; keepe them in tby whole practice : nay, , k._etpe them tU the apple of thine eye; irnplying, that as nothing can be fo fma~l or flight, but it hnrtcth and dif1:urbeth the eye,. which naturally ffiuts it ielfe a-.. gainfl: the leafl: dufl:, fo not . the Ieaft erring fn>m the WorQ but difturbeth in tbis way.. And · therefore we .mufl: take up that holy counfell;'Prov.4. 26. Ponder the pllth of thy feet, 11nd let all th1. wayes bee ()rdered rl- · , riglat. I · 3.So