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3 4•. Knowlulgc,if right, . 3. So many as are the Lords, h~ve the_ g~ida,n~<: , of the Spint, · · w,holea~ and. preferves them in this way: whence the gcdly, wAo are taught of God, are defcribed to be led 6y the Spirit, whofe office is to,lead out ofer-- ror, inro all truth. ·And from . hence is dlis way called the "Rill) Df t/Jod rntn : becau1e onely they have the .q~>ndttei' .ofthe Sptrit in . it : and itis unkna.wne, or un~ frequeated by the wicked, i !. Toho/4thisway, is tG·itnp.rove all our Iaboor, and prQ-, mote our owne comfort. But.all .tlieJabour is Iotl:, ~IVhe.p the way is.Iofl. Thou canfi never fa lit- tle decline.this_w-~y )put. the~ fli- . dert intc (ome on.e of thofe ma. ny roads tbat le~d un;o de(lrutl:ion. Bu.t in keeping this. way ., i~greAt rewtt~rd, ~?'fol.l9.I J .for . itleads toGod,who is.an..excee- . ding great reward. Againe, orily this.;is.the.:w~y_ of comfort and' p~ea.(ur~. · It liath c~mfor+ f~r · the