Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

ioynetl l'llith (Jbtdience. 1 -1~1 th~ pre(ent : _ whereas ltragling Chrifhans have no. comft1rt in . the way : a wandring aun is an uncomfortable creature. Alfo it hath comfort herettft~r- : for it leads to life, Prvv. 7 .;2 • . keepe my Commandements, and tboa }bAit· li11e. It is the way of life, ~!hewed by God, leading to fulnetfe ofjoy. in-- his ~refence, and· to the pleaflues ofhis right hand r for evermore, P.fal.:r 6j· I Hath God then taught thee · p (t this w~y? bee confcion_able to Ke~;e the keepe 1t, finnenot agamfl: the w~y,_when knowne truth, P [A! m. 1 I 9. 3. oacc Sur~lJ they worluJD iniquiJy th111 j knownc. »~lie! in hit »~ttyu. . . Now becaLtfe Satan and his ia- · Ll:run~onts .~vill make this way as u-nealie and afperous as they can, . and atlault thee on every hand to turne thee oot of tbts-. way, tneLt mull: come armed-w.ith fi1ch 1neanes as ·may hetpe.. to containe thee in..this g~d .VV<:ay: 1 as, - I.-Re... ..