Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Meanes to h'old I. · R.efolation to hold it, . as ·1. here David, J will ~epe it te the end : found purpofes and refoltttions in godlines protnife conti»uance. 2. 2-·. Sdfe-de1iial and contempt of the w:orld :-for thou mufr make account, t11at all whoare l out Qfthis way,wil fcorn~ thee, . and repro:4ch thee for a diffembler,.a Puritan, or the like, for thine endevour to keepe the way. But Gods Spirit never~eproached any for \Valking vvith · God, even accurately. v\lhen Ifrael goeth out of Egypt, they mull: looke fur Egyptians to pur-- fue them : And thou, M . agotJd Souldier, rnufi fuffc:r afflictions, l Tim.2. 3· 3 3. Zeale and courage fer the truth, for Gocd and ev,ery goud courfe : arming thy ielfe againft the l0ofeneffe ofthe ttmes, and contrary perhvafiens. ·If a man walke haltingly in this way, and " 1nake no great bones of tripping or._