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the way once k... n:owne. 48 3 or fiumbling,in it:, or appe~re not precife above the fcantling ofa civill, wi{e, and wary man, hee may paffe not much difaffe&ed, and yet in good fhowes not be altogether allowed~ But if hee will be ftriCl: in keeping his way, that he will walke wtth Cod as E no eh, or fet the Lord fiill in fight as D avid,or with the Apofl:les endev0Hr to have a goed ·. confcience in all things, and : yeeld to no ~erruption of times, no not an hoofe at Ph¥1 raobs re~ ·_quefi, no not a graine at the , E rnpenmrs : · oh the(e men Jre . fit for another age, . and another :Climate, not worthy to live in this : . 0way Wtth {r1ch a felhw . from the uzrth,for it u not fit th.,'lt . h~ foould liv.e, A Cf. 2 2 , '2.2. 4· Fence thy felfe with fpi- 4 ritnanarinour. Ifrad in their \VF-Y. toCanaan mufl: gird up their loynes, and take fianes in their · ~fands: fo the Ckrifl:ian tr:tveller· being fet out of Egypt;:~ . mufl: . gird: