Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

gird up his. Ioynes with thegirdle of tincerity, faitb,love,hope; tbe fl:affe ofthe Law and Gt:>fpel in their hands, .to efi:ablifh their fe~t ; their, feet thod with . pr~- . paradon of the Gofpell, to goe 'vherefoever theGofpel calleth. · What man runnes into the field · withouthis 'veepons and provi- . lions. Notes «>f ,· Conclude with. note~; of a one Garc- man carefull to_keepe his way. fulcGktep his way. I. Hee \vill be very inquili- . 1 tive,a.nci will aske.ofthe fimplefi: lcr.l.aG. tlilat kn0wes the way better. Being in the wilderneffe, hee will enquire Gf the way to Canaan. , Th~ Iaylor askes it.of h~ prifener,.AHs 16. 30•. 2.,. He is oircum{peel; .douhtfull,follicitous, Iell: he have rtept out of the way. Hee i~ eaftly re&uced, if he have erred. · Hee knowes it is eafie to.wander,butamad part not te bee .willing to returnc : and that he can 0nely attaine. hi.s, end . in this .. way, . aad,