Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

r ._ to f<!cp8 hu wa7. , and na other. I 3. He goes in the day, and walks in the light, and fo knows whither he ~oes; he walkes agd workes while day lall:eth, afraid to be cafl: inte the night : }Db. ' 12·35,36. 4. He fufpefb every faire way, for his way is !l:rawed with crotfes: and every fonle dirty lane;for his is an holy and cletane , way: at1d every crotfe \Vay, . where are many turnings,to the / right or left haRd,. for his is a right way,witheut turnings. ' S. Hee followes Chrift his guide,artd will not walke ~ith· tJut him as the heathen;but wifely fo fix his eyes onChrifi:,as that he looke warily both to his own feet,and the end ofhis way.. 6. He will be lure to goc with good company :he joynes himfelfe with men f~ring God,and the SAints thAt exce/1 in verttu, with whofe feet this way is bea- - ten.Nay,not content with thcfe · he 3 - s Pfal16.3