Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

be will get God himtelfe to g@e with him: -as ltfco6 prayed the .~ord to goe with him in his JOUrney: arrd Mofes, exJd. 33. 15. rfthy prefence goe not witll m,c~~rr} m net nphnice. 7. Hee goes 011 contl:aRtl y, ~hroqgh droughts and elrops, through thickeand thin,thrcugh all efl:ates, withot1t .intermiffion, as the Sunne like a Briclegr<Jome hafi:neth his cJttrie. H~ leaps overhlockes,pibbles,rubs, oppofuions, .wrongs, fianders : non.e can cafJ: him backe, nor tnrne him ot~t,but with ourProphet he k.!~pes the WilY, e11111 ta the end. '- EP r.. f