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epicHrifmedtfcribeJ, f ceiv:e more direcHof.'ls, fame- \ \V hat longer then· they think fit, · they fall to commit mofl: horrible Idolatr-y : w hi eh in t~e firtl: verle the people propound to A•r~n, m~k.! m g.ods : and verf. 2. 4~ron againrthi~ confcience yeelds to it, fetting them in a way to hrint, their Jewels. Vert. -;.the people contribute to it, '_ being:as ready t~ briag,as he to defire them. Ver( 4• Of the Iew:els an" Idol is made by Aa- ,.,n,anol with the Calfe an Altar fet up. Then is anholt•day proclaimed to the Idol, on the mor• row after,verf.;. Afterward the . con{ammation·of their idol.atry, var£.6. the people e!fired .fllcrifices before the golden .Calf"e. LafU y, jn the Text is fetdowne the infeperable adjuntl: of Ido.. latry, namely, ,exeeffe and idle• netfe, or l1.1xury and wantonnes, Tht peiple alfo fote Jownt f~ eat. a11cl drink.!, and .. roft . uJJ: ,to plaJ•