Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

At this time confi_der, 1. who did this, tht> peopl~. 2. when they did fit downcto eat and drinke. 3. w hether it 6e ~fin ne to eat and drinke. 4· The ufe thereof. Fort he firfi of thefe. Wflo did this ? The peopl t : who had impioufly pre1umed to fet up a wor!hip -without, yea, ~­ gainfoGod. They thinke much to fpend whcle forty daies with- ·out fen1e ceremony, or pub like teftimony of duty : And they ' had feene fuch a worf11ip in E- l gypt, wherewith God(ofwhom they heard nothi~g) might perhaps be appeafeq: ·and therefore as the Egypti~ns worfhipped their Apis in the forme cfa Bllll, for their tillage fake, fo WQUld they worlhip the Calfe, and afterw~rd give thernlelves to ex.. . ceffe and idlenetfe. Whence nete, that feafHngs and idtcncffe are the undivided eomParts, Net6; Idolatry everattended with fioth:and luxury.