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49G ldolatry J~nd luxtery, campanions ~f Idf)latry. Thefe people are firfl: Id"laters, from Idolatry they fall to glattony·, from glmttony to wantonneffe~ Yea, fuch intepara.ble attendants they are, that the ApoH:le C I Cor. 1 o. 7.) proves the Ifraelites to b~e Jdolaters, by this tefiimony, becaufe they fltte do~ne te cttt and Jrink_t, ;rnd rofc f up to plt~y. J It appeares in heathenifb Iaoltat.ry : for the Heathens, ia all · their falfe and idolatrous wArllaips, celebrated the bon(\)nr Qf their geds with feafl:ings, ban.. qnettin~, playes, and danciugs. Both the Greek€s and R.omans ufed many filthy fperts and a8-ions,in their folemne fervices. The Romani, te magnifie their heathenitln idolatry, infhtuted their SatNr'lfaliA, that is, afeaft: ~ffiv~ dayes, ordained by !~~tnus iN honotlr Qf S~turwt, in wh0fe time all things \vere ufed in common. Thefe five dayes were